SALOME will investigate a novel scientific strategy for dynamic management and predictive maintenance of offshore wind turbines by taking into consideration all the physical parameters and phenomena impacting their aging in order to facilitate a fatigue-informed participation of offshore wind farms in frequency control and in electricity markets (day-ahead and reserve).
The project brings together universities and research centres expert in modelling of atmospheric phenomena (Université du Littoral Côte d'Opale, FR), developing real-time temperature and vibration sensors (Advanced Photonic Sensors, University of Mons, and Applied Photonics Department, Multitel, BE), modelling and control of wind turbines (Electrical Energy Laboratory, Ghent University, BE), and in developing optimised decision-making tools for power systems and electricity markets (Power Systems and Markets Research Group, University of Mons, BE)).
In this project, the Electrical Energy Laboratory (EELAB) of Ghent University will investigate different control strategies for providing grid support services for frequency control, including very fast inertial response. These control strategies change the electrical power supplied and can lead to rapid changes in mechanical loads and torques, which can have a significant impact on the life of certain components such as bearings and on maintenance. However, these grid support services can be provided in different ways. Various alternatives and their impact on lifespan and maintenance will be investigated. Historical data and measurements will be used for this. In addition, certain mechanical systems can cause fluctuations in electrical power, which in turn has an influence on the electrical energy grid. Damping out or compensating these fluctuations through the control of the wind turbine system will also be investigated.
In short, EELAB aims to conduct multidisciplinary research into the interaction between electrical energy production (and its control) and mechanical aspects such as fatigue, lifespan and maintenance.