Renewable Energy

Electric Power and Energy Systems | Renewable Energy

The renewable energy research at the Electrical Energy Laboratory (EELAB) mainly focuses on the grid integration of renewable energy and on energy yield maximisation by advanced control methodologies.

The renewable energy technologies envisaged include photovoltaic (PV) systems, wind energy and ocean energy (such as wave and tidal energy). The grid integration aspects concern, inter alia, power quality issues, hosting capacity in distribution grids, and the flexible operation and control of renewable energy sytems for, e.g., the provision of ancillary services and grid stability.

Furthermore, combinations of renewable energy sources with specific (flexible) electric power consumers, e.g. electrolysers, are investigated, which requires a techno-economic approach.


For more information contact prof. Lieven Vandevelde.

PhD Dissertations

    Articles and Conference Papers


      For more information contact prof. Lieven Vandevelde.